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Monday, August 16, 2010

China Denial
China says baby formula made in its factories is not responsible for early puberty in girls... which is too bad because China would really like to get its girls working full time before age six.

Spielberg Loves Obama
Steven Spielberg helped co-host a Democratic fundraiser starring President Obama in Hollywood last night. Apparently, Spielberg is hoping Obama and his fellow Democrats give him enough material to make a sequel to "Schindler's List."

BP Spill
Researchers say 75% of the BP oil is still somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico. The other 25% is in Charlie Rangel's hair.

Strike Called Off
A nationwide airline strike in Britain has been called off. Flight workers have decided that instead of walking the picket line, they can always just jump out of the escape chute if they get frustrated during the flight.

Reid on GZM
Nevada Senator Harry Reid has broken with President Obama and supports moving the Ground Zero Mosque to another neighborhood. Of course, Reid also supports putting slots and craps tables at St. Patrick's Cathedral.

August 17th

1807: Robert Fulton's first American steamboat leaves New York City for Albany, New York on the Hudson River, inaugurating the first commercial steamboat service in the world… and the last time anyone was excited about going to Albany.

1953: The first meeting of Narcotics Anonymous takes place in Southern California. Now the entire state is a never-ending Narcotics Anonymous meeting.

2005: Over 500 bombs are set off by terrorists at 300 locations in Bangladesh… actually leaving Bangladesh looking better than it did before the bombings.

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